Images of Promontory West of the Massif

Images of Promontory West of the Massif

Figure 17: Promontory on N rim jutting out into Coprates Chasma just west of the massif. (a) Portion of THEMIS VIS image V06856002. The topmost dark layer can be seen just below the plateau surface along the slopes to the west and along the south of this promontory. Additionally, the hummocky surface texture of the promontory can be seen here. (b) Portion of THEMIS nighttime IR image I08235013. This image highlights the relative temperature differences at night between the hummocks and the lanes between them. (c) Portion of MOC image E03/01374. This image shows the topmost strong layer that underlies the hummocky surface here. (d) MDIM2.1 context image shows the outlines of the whole images for a and c. The unlabeled outline is that of THEMIS VIS image V03835003 (Fig. 16).

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A version of this figure was published by Elsevier Inc. Copyright © 2005 Ross A. Beyer.