MOLA map of Coprates and Capri Chasmata

MOLA map of Coprates and Capri Chasmata

Figure 19: The 1/128th degree MOLA gridded data has been stretched to show a restricted elevation range to highlight the variability in the elevation of the plateau surface beyond the north rim of Coprates Chasma. Locations of topmost strong layer outcrops as seen in MOC images are noted by round red dots, and the two red lines indicate where the layer can be seen in THEMIS VIS images. The yellow triangles indicate those locations noted in Table 3 where a resistant layer is observed, but it is uncertain as to whether it is the same dark, competent layer noted by the circles. The orange squares indicate the locations of the approximately 70 m thick unit of resistant layers that cap the Capri Chasma edge.

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A version of this figure was published by Elsevier Inc. Copyright © 2005 Ross A. Beyer.